HoMedics SS-5010 Clock Radio User Manual

Setting and Using The Alarm
Setting and using Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 (Individually)
1. PressandholdtheAlarm1button.Thehourwillflash(Fig.1)
2. Usingthe+/-buttonsontheback(Fig.3),setthehour.
3. PresstheAlarm1buttonagainandtheminuteswillflash.Usethe+/-keystoset
the minutes.
4. TheAlarm1timewillshowunderthemainclockdisplay.
5. To activate the alarm and choose a wake tone, press the Alarm 1 button to scroll
NOTE: When using the sound mode, the unit will set to the last sound you
listened to. If you wish to change it press the sound you wish to wake to
and then press the POWER button (Fig 1).
6. Onceyourchoiceismade,a(%)willappearnexttotheAlarm1time.Youralarm
is set.
7. Tosetasecondalarm,repeatsteps1-6above,usingtheAlarm2button.
8. When the alarm sounds you may:
a. PresstheSNOOZEbutton(Fig.1).Yoursleeptimewillbeextendedby9
minutes. You may use this feature until you turn the alarm off.
b. Turn OFF: Press the POWER button to turn off the alarm. Your alarm will turn
off but remain set for the next day. If you wish to turn the alarm off completely or
NOTE: If the alarm sounds for 30 minutes continuously it will automatically
turn off.
Using the “Nap” Feature
8 9
Using the Projection Feature
1. Toturntheprojectionfeatureon,presstheprojectorON/OFFbutton(Fig.3)on
the back of the unit. The time & outdoor temperature is now projected on the wall
or ceiling.
NOTE: If the projection feature is OFF, you may hit the SNOOZE button
(Fig. 1) to trigger 5 seconds of projection.
2. The angle of the projector can be adjusted to angle on the ceiling or wall
3. Toturntheangleofthetime&temperaturethatappearsonthewallor
your desired result.
NOTE: The TIME ROTATION KNOB will rotate up to 350 degrees.
4. Tofocusthetime&temperatureonthewallorceilingrotatetheFOCUS
Using Indoor Temperature
The unit will begin reading indoor temperature when it is plugged in. Allow a
Using Outdoor Temperature
Be sure the SoundSpa unit is plugged in prior to the remote sensor
battery installation.