
Organizing Photo Albums
Unlike music files, photos contain very little information about their content.
Therefore, photos are organized by their filename and by the folder they are in.
Each folder will become an album on the player, and all files in the folder will
appear in the album.
Many digital cameras will organize your photos into folders when you connect
and unload them to your PC. Each time you dock or connect, a new folder is
created using the current date and time, and all photos are copied into that
You can also create your own photo albums. For instance, create a folder in
the My Pictures directory called My Birthday and copy all your birthday photos
into it. Your DSM-320 will show the folder as a photo album named My Birthday.
To play a slideshow of the album, highlight it and press the Play button. To
view a list of the photos in the album, highlight it and press the > (right arrow)
Supported Photo Formats
The following photo file formats are supported:
BMP (non-compressed)
Windows bitmap file. Widely used in Microsoft
Windows for pictures and backgrounds.
JPEG (grayscale, RGB, YCbCy)
(Does not support CMYK, YCCK.)
The JPEG format is the Internet and digital photo
format standard used by most digital cameras.
Older format still widely available on the internet
for photos, web pages, and clip art.
PNG (Alpha channel only)
Portable Network Graphics standard created in
response to limitations in the GIF file format.
(Does not support CMYK, YMC, YMCK, KCMY)
Tagged Image File Format is a raster file format.