
© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll
The PMP3520 remote control provides the following functions:
OFF: press to power off the PMP3520.
TV/LCD: press to switch the output device between TV and the PMP3520.
z REC: press to start to record of each function.
Exit: press to stop playback or go back to previous menu.
MENU: press to go back to Main Menu.
S/T: press to select previous/next item on menu list. These two buttons
function the same as pushing the Navigator button up/down.
WW /XX : press to rewind/fast-forward the playback. These two buttons
function the same as pushing Navigator button left/right.
X❙❙: press to play or pause the playback. This button functions the same as
pressing down with the Navigator button.
The Power button on the remote control can only power off
the PMP3520, not power it on.