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FCC Statement
FederalCommunicationsCommission Interference Statement
This device complies withPart 15of theFCC rules. Operationis subjectto thefollowingtwo conditions:
(1) This devicemay notcause harmful interference, and (2)this devicemust accept anyinterference received,
including interferencethat maycause undesired operation.
CAUTION:The manufacturer isnot responsible for anyradio orTV interferencecaused byunauthorized modifica-
tions to thisequipment. Anysuch modificationcould void theuser’sauthority tooperate the equipment.
NOTE:This equipmenthas beentested and foundto comply withthe limitsfor aClassB digitaldevice, pursuant
toPart 15of theFCC Rules. Theselimits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterfer-
encein aresidential installation. Thisequipment generates, usesand canradiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed andused inaccordancewith theinstructions, may causeharmful interferenceto radiocommuni-
cations.However, there isno guarantee thatinterferencewill notoccur in aparticular installation.If thisequip-
ment does causeharmful interferenceto radioor television reception, whichcan be determinedby turningthe
equipment off andon, theuser isencouraged to tryto correct theinterference byone ormore ofthe following
• Reorient orrelocatethe receiving antenna.
• Increase theseparation between theequipment andreceiver.
• Connect theequipment intoan outlet ona circuit different from thatto whichthe receiver isconnected.
• Consult thedealer oran experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.
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