DLO JukeBox MP3 Docking Station User Manual

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DigitalLifestyle Outfitters LimitedManufacturer’s Warranty
What This Warranty Covers. DLO(Digital Lifestyle Outfitters)warrants thisproductagainst defects inmaterials
and workmanship. This limitedwarranty applies onlyto products manufactured byor for DLO.
What This Warranty DoesNot Cover. This warrantydoes notapply to damagecaused by: (a) accident, abuse,
misuse, misapplication, ordinary wear,improper maintenance, failure to follow instructions,or products notman-
ufactured byor forDLO;and (b)aftermarket services (includingupgrades andexpansions).
How Long ThisWarrantyLasts. This warranty lastsfor aperiod ofninety (90)days from thedate oforiginal retail
What DLO Will Do. If adefect exists, DLO willexchange the product, atits option,with aproduct thatis new or
has been manufactured from newor serviceable usedparts andthat isat least functionally equivalentto theorig-
inal product. DLO willwarrant areplacement product against defectsin materials andworkmanshipfor aperiod
of ninety (90)days from thedate ofreplacement.
How To GetService. In order to beeligible for thiswarranty, you MUSTregister your purchase at
www.dlo.com/registerwithin thirty(30) daysof purchasing thisproduct. If youbelieve thatthis product isdefec-
tivein materialsor workmanship,please e-mailcustomerservice@dlo.com witha briefdescription ofthe prob-
lem,for furtherinstructions.
No Change To Warranty. No DLO reseller, agentor employee isauthorized to makeany modification, extension,
or addition tothis warranty.
How State LawApplies. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights,and you alsomay haveother rightsthat vary
fromstate to state, orcountry.
RestrictionsOn ImpliedWarranties. All impliedwarranties, including,without limitation,warranties ofmer-
chantabilityand fitnessfor aparticular purpose,arelimited induration to theduration ofthis warranty. Some
statesdo notallow limitations onhow long animplied warranty lasts,so theabovelimitation maynot applyto
RestrictionsOn Damages. DLO isnot responsiblefor direct, special,incidental orconsequential damagesresult-
ing from anybreachof warrantyor condition orunder anyother legal theory (including,without limitation,lost
profits;downtime; goodwill;damage to orreplacement ofequipment andproperty;failureto maintain theconfi-
dentiality ofdatastored ontheproduct; andany costs ofrecovering,reprogramming orreproducingany program
or data stored inor usedwith products manufactured byor for DLO). Some states andcountries donot allow the
exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages, sothe above limitationor exclusion maynot apply