
Page 26 CCRadio-SWP
Shortwave Tips
The CCRadio-SWP covers all of the impor-
tant international broadcast bands. A
symbol signifies where you most likely find
the best listening. They are listed by fre-
quency and then the (meter band). There
are exceptions to every rule in Shortwave.
Reception will vary when you are in a for-
eign country.
The CCRadio-SWP has plenty of memory. If
you install active frequencies into memory,
you can recall them easily. When you are
trying to find a station, it is best to switch to
manual tuning, using the tuning knob.
2300~2495 kHz (120m)
mostly tropical regions
3200~3400 kHz (90m)
mostly tropical regions
3900~4050 kHz (75m)
mostly Europe
4400~5100 kHz (60m)
night, mostly tropical
5800~6300 kHz (49m)
all year-round, night
7100~7600 kHz (41m)
best at night