Digital Audio / Surround Sound:
The LinkTheater supports surround sound (AC3, Dolby Digital, etc.) by utilizing the TOSLINK/Optical
audio connector on the back of the LinkTheater. The LinkTheater does not ship with a TOSLINK
The LinkTheater can natively pass AC3 and other digital formats to an audio receiver to decode. For
maximum quality and compatibility, it only passes digital audio tracks through to the receiver and
LinkTheater decodes any digital sound track to analog stereo.
HDTV / 720p Support:
The LinkTheater supports HD resolutions at 720p. Natively it will play Mpeg-4 and WMV 9 HD clips
that are encoded up to 2.5 Mbps.
For all other non-HD content, the LinkTheater will upconvert lower resolution content to 720p for
improved visual quality.
Software and Updates:
For best results with the LinkTheater, the PCs that will be streaming media should be kept up to date.
Visit www.windowsupdate.com for updates to Microsoft Windows. Intel Viiv PCs should be kept up to
version 1.5. If this is more recent than the version on your Viiv PC, you should install it.
Select Intel Viiv software update.