Network tab
The standard setup is to use the automatic detection of routing and name servers (DNS). In case
you are required to set any of these values, your ISP will provide this information.
18 Software & Other settings
18.1 Language
This setting lets you select the interface language of your PMA430. Options are: German, English
(U.S. or U.K.), Spanish, French and Italian.
18.2 Security
This setting lets you choose a password, which any user will have to enter when turning on the
18.3 Appearance
Use this setting to stylize the windows, colors and fonts to your own liking.
18.4 Launcher
The tabs on your PMA430 are called launchers because you launch an application from them. You
can change the background color or image for each tab to your own particular liking.
18.5 Date/Time
Here, you can set the current time, time zone and date and to select a time format.
The time is expressed in hours and minutes. Tap onto the value you want to change and use the
arrows or the UP and DOWN controls to modify them.
To change the date, tap onto the black arrow on the right hand site of the date bar. This will open
the calendar. (insert screen shot?). You can use the arrows to navigate the months and year, and
tab onto the calendar to select a date.
The time format can be set to a 12 hour clock (0:00 to 12:59) or a 24 hour clock (0:00 to 23:59).
You can choose for the calendar to display Monday or Sunday as the first day of the week (menu
next to “Week starts on”).
The date format can be set to M/D/Y, D.M.Y, Y-M-D or D/M/Y.
You can also access these parameters by tapping on the time itself in the system status bar on the
bottom right of the screen. You should double check the time and date after a hardware reset and
after rebooting.