Playing MP3 music
Play Mode
AV300 is currently playing from a Playlist
Folder: Play all tracks in the current directory
All: Play all tracks on AV300
Single: Play a single track then stop
Queue: User can queue the next track to be played †
Scan: AV300 plays rst 15 seconds of each track††
†Queue Mode: While the current song is playing, click on Navigate, nd the next song you want to play, then click
Play. This is your queued song. You can only queue one song at a time. See the Playlist section to prepare multiple
songs to play. Once the current track is nished playing, your queued track will be played. If you do not queue
another track at this time, the AV300 will play the next song in the directory.
††Scan Mode: Each track in the directory is played for 15 seconds. This allows a quick sample of each song. If you
want to play the whole song, click on the Play button during those rst 15 seconds. The AV300 will then revert to
single directory mode and play the rest of the songs in the directory without scanning.
3.5 Playlist Creation and Running
Playing a Playlist
A Playlist is a list of songs that the AV300 will automatically play one after the other. The
AV300 can load one Playlist at a time into its internal memory. You
can create new Playlists, add or delete songs from a Playlist, or Save
a Playlist as a le (le type .m3u) to be used another time. There is no
limit to the number of Playlists you can save on the AV300 hard disk.
Playlists are indicated by a special list icon (circled icon to the left).
To play a Playlist, you simply scroll to the Playlist, such as ‘Jazz Music’
shown to the left, and click on PLAY . The list of songs will be loaded
into the internal memory of the AV300 and then be displayed in a separate panel.
Click on PLAY and the songs will be played in the
order shown. To shufe the music entries in a random
order, you can click on Playlist, then choose Shufe.
You can open a Playlist le (Playlistname.m3u) on
your computer with a text editor such as Notepad,
and you will see that it is merely a list of les to be