Instruction Manual MP3 F820 PLUS Player/FM Tuner
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The lyrics show the method :
1, Please first create " *.lrc" lyrics files.
2, Name the song and lyrics file identically ;
3, Put the song and lyrics file in the same root folder to see lyrics while the song is being
played. ;
4, Set up " lyrics show " to " turn on " to show lyrics for broadcasting songs.
Step 1: Press to enter the
menu selection.
Step 2: Press to choose the
“DELETE” option.
Step 3:Press to confirm.
Note: This operation will delete the current song.
1.13 MARK A-B
Mark A-B lets you select a specific portion in a song that will be played repeatedly.
1.13.1 START
While playing music, Press to start the MARK A-B function .
Step 1: While playing music, Press
for the first time to confirm point A.
Please notice that the icon “A-” is
Step 2: Keep playing, then Press for
the second time to confirm point B.
Step 3:
The player will automatically begin to play
the song’s specified portion.
Picture 1 : point A setting
Picture 2 : point B setting
1.13.2 QUIT
Press to quit the Mark A-B function and resume in the normal playing state.