Controller specifications and requirements
Installation Planning Guide 5-3
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not plug
components into any other type of power system. Contract
your facilities manager or a qualified electrician if you are
not sure what type of power is supplied to your work area.
Environmental specifications
The environmental requirements for the DocuColor NPS/IPS
controller are all satisfied by the printer module. Refer to the
“Printer specifications and requirements” chapter of this guide.
The heat dissipation for the printer controller (processor and
monitor) is 1,100 BTU per hour.
Space requirements
This section provides recommendations for placement of printer
controller hardware components.
For printer component space requirements, refer to the “Printer
specifications and requirements” chapter of this guide. Contact
your service representative if you have questions not specifically
addressed in this guide.
Printer controller placement
You should consider the following factors when deciding where to
place the DocuColor printer controller:
• Adequate work space and service clearance around the
• Proximity to electrical and network connectors
• Security of the work area. You may need to place the system
in an area where you can restrict access to it.
You must supply a table or desk as a work surface for the printer
controller, and the PCI board if this is part of the system
configuration. The top of the table must provide at least 36 by 36
inches / 91 by 91 cm of space for each component, to allow
enough space for the components and cables, as well as for
service access.