Xerox support services
B-4 Installation Planning Guide
Xerox Customer Education
Xerox offers classes and tutorial documents on various topics
relating to printing systems and document production. For
information about Xerox training courses, or to receive a catalog,
call Xerox Customer Education at 1-800-445-5554 (U. S. only).
Outside the U.S., contact your local Xerox operating company.
Customer Education has a web page where you can obtain
additional information. Its address is:
Xerox Font Center
The Xerox Font Center (or your local Xerox operating company)
can send you samples and catalogs of the fonts available for
your printer.
To receive font samples, obtain price information, obtain
technical support, or order licensed or custom fonts, call:
1-800-445-FONT (3668) between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Pacific time.
You can get font information on the web at: