Strata DK Programming 5/99 GL-7
PESU Standard/Electronic Telephone Interface Unit—An optional PCB that provides the
system with a combination of two standard and four electronic telephone circuits.
The standard telephone circuits can support standard telephones and optional
hardware peripherals, such as voice mail devices and fax machines. Except for the
electronic DSS console, the PESU electronic telephone circuits can support the
same stations and peripherals that the PEKU does. The PESU is also used with
older Strata systems.
[PhDN] Phantom Directory Number.
PIOU Option Interface Unit—An optional PCB that provides support and/or circuit
interface for optional hardware peripherals and upgrades.
PIOUS The same as the PIOU, with some exceptions; most notably, the PIOUS has one
external paging interface zone, while the PIOU has four.
PORT A term used to identify a station circuit or CO line circuit location.
PBTC1A-3M Battery cable that connects reserve power batteries to cabinet RPSU280 power
supplies (102 cabinet installations).
PPTC A Toshiba-supplied adapter—An adapter that is used to connect: an SMDR device,
ASCII maintenance terminal, or remote maintenance external modem.
PPTC A Toshiba-supplied adapter—An adapter that is used to connect: the modular
SMDR, SMDI, MIS for ACD, Open Architecture (OA), maintenance ports of the
PIOU, PIOUS, RSSU, RSIU, or RSIS to the DB-9 (PPTC-9) connector of a call
accounting machine, DK Admin, DK Backup personal computer (PC), SMIS
personal computer or Open Architecture personal computer.
PPTC-9 Designed to connect directly to the DB9 connector of PC COM ports, while PPTC
connects directly to an ASCII terminal female DB25, not a PC COM port male
PPTC-25F Used to connect a Call Center Viewer PC or SMIS PC to the RS-232 Strata DK424
MIS port on the PIOU, PIOUS, RSIU, or RSSU.
PRI Primary Rate Interface.
PSTU2 Standard Telephone Interface Unit—An optional PCB (an older version of RSTU2)
with a built-in ring generator that provides interface for eight standard telephones or
optional hardware peripherals (voice mail devices, Background Music source, fax
machines, etc.). The PSTU2 has a square wave ring generator that can be set for
190V peak-to-peak or 130V peak-to-peak. The PSTU2 is also used with older
Strata systems.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.
QCDU2 CO Line Digital Telephone Interface Unit (DK14)—Provides one CO line (loop
start) circuit and two digital telephone circuits on each PCB. The QCDU2 interfaces
with digital telephones, PDIU-DIs/PDIU-DI2s/RPCI-DI, ADMs connected to the
telephones and PDIU-DSs, but does not support a DDSS or DDCB console.
Term Definition