Toll Restriction
Program *45-2 (1~6) – LCR/Toll Restriction Bypass
Strata DK Programming 5/99 4-25
Toll Restriction
This will allow Centrex station numbers (1200#~1299# and 1300#~1399#) to de dialed -
overriding Toll Restriction. The call will route out the local LCR route immediately after the # is
Use this record sheet to assign area codes in 10-digit dialing areas. If some non-toll numbers
require 10-digit dialing: Area Code (AC) + Office Code (OC) + YYYY dialing (no digit “1”
before the area code) enter the area code in this table if dialing through LCR. Area codes entered in
this table (without the long distance “1” prefix) will be routed over the LCR local call route when
dialed with the AC + OC + YYYY format (YYYY = 4-digit CO extension number).
Example (10-digit Dialing)
If area code 817 is a local area code that must be dialed without the prefix digit “1”, enter:
+ + + %XWWRQ+ %XWWRQ in Program *45-2X. With this entry, LCR will route 817
calls over the local route immediately after dialing:
;;;;;;; (10 digits).
This table applies to all stations with Program 48 TR Codes 03~10 only (TR classes 1~8); not to
stations with Program 48 TR Codes 00, 01, or 02.
● When editing the data field, use Button/LED 01 to end the digit string, Button/LED 02 to
assign a wild card value (0~9, *, #).
● See Program 46 (10~80) Button/LED 04 should be OFF when dialing codes containing * and/
or #.