OvenOperations Built-inDMOvenCareandUseManual
Bake Mode
Preheatwhen usingthe Bakemode,
Baking time will vary with the size, shape and finish of the
baking utensil. Dark metal pans or nonstick coatings will cook
fasterwith darker results. Insulatedbakewarewill lengthenthe
cooking time for mostfoods,
, For best results, bakefood on a single rack with at least 1-1/2"
space between pans or dishes and ovenwalls.
Use a maximum of 2 racks when selecting the bake mode,
Staggerpans sothat one is notdirectly aboveanother.
Toreduce heatloss, avoid opening the oven door, Whenever
possible,check foodthrough thewindow.
Do notuseany aluminumfoi! or a disposable aluminum tray to
lineany partof theoven.Thiswill alterthecookingperformance
and candamage thefinish of theoven,
Bake Mode Recommendations
The BAKE mode can be used to prepare a variety of food items, from pastries to casseroles. Refer to recipe or package
directions for oven temperature and baking time.*
Use BAKE for baking on one or two racks. Most items are baked on rack position 3 (center rack in oven).
Some foods are best when other rack positions are used. Refer to the chart below for foods that should be baked using
other rack positions.
Angel Food Cake Mix 350° F 1 37 to 47 minutes
8" round(s) 350° F 3 or 2 and 5 32 to 36 minutes
9" round(s) 350° F 3 or 2 and 5 28 to 31 minutes
Pound cakes 350° F 2 48 to 58 minutes
Drop 375° F 3 or 1 and 4 8 to 10 minutes
Scratch 425 ° F 3 20 to 25 minutes
Frozen 375° F 3 18 to 25 minutes
Pre-baked crust 425° F 3 12 to 20 minutes
Refrigerator 400 ° F 3 18 to 22 minutes
Bread pudding 350° F 2 50 to 60 minutes
Rice pudding 325° F 2 40 to 50 minutes
* This chart is a guide. Follow recipe or package.