OvenFeatures Built-inDMOvenCareandUseManual
The Control Panel: Sights & Sounds
Follow the control panel prompts tocomplete most ovenfunctions. Familiarize yourself with the indicators belowbefore
Flashing Symbols or Numbers
Signals an incomplete setting; complete the step or touch START.
1 Beep
Signals the receipt of an entry.
2 Beeps
Signal an error in entry.
4 Beeps
Signal the end of a setting.
Beep Volume
Thevolume ofthe beepscanbeadjusted.Touchand holdtheSTART
padfollowed by the PROBEpad for three seconds. Touch PROBE
padagain to increaseor decrease volume,from levels 1to 3.Touch
STARTto set volume selection.
Active Oven # Symbol
Indicates which oven was last seL
Probe Symbol /,_
Displays the internal temperature of the meat rather thanthe oven
roasting temperature. Oven temperature can be seen briefly by
touching the cooking mode after touching START.
Door Lock Indicator
Displays during the Microwave, Defrost, CooksmartTM, Combina-
tion and Self Clean programs whenever the door is locked. Door
can beopened when symbolno longer appears.
Displayswhen a Microwave,Defrost,CooksmartTM, or Combination
program is pausedor interrupted and door unlocks.
Displays ifan invalid temperature or time is entered.
Power Failure
After the power returns to the oven, the clock displays the time
whenthe powerwas lost or turnedoff.
F Number Codes
Display when there is a problem with the signal sent to the elec-
tronic control board. See Solving Operational Problems, Page 56.
Convection Fan
Operates during any convection mode.The fanturns off ifthe door
isopened.The convection fanwill also runduring the preheattime.
Component Cooling Fan
Activates during any cooking or self cleaning mode to cool inner
components and outerdoor surfaces.This air isexhaustedthrough
the vent located below the lower oven in double oven models. It
continues to run until components havecooled sufficiently.
. Preheat time will be slightly longer.
. Broil time will be slightly longer.
. The Self Clean mode may need a longer clean time than
normal, depending onthe amount ofsoi!.