Upper Oven Operations
Builtoin DH Oven Care and Use llanual
and Recommendations
Defrost uncooked meat, fish and poultry usingthe DEFROST mode.
Defrost mode isprogrammed using30% microwavepower.
Nothermal heat isused during DEFROST mode.
The convection fan also runsduring the DEFROST mode to help speed up defrosting.
Center itemson rack level 3when defrosting.
Remove store wrap and place in a shallow microwaveable container to catchjuices.
Use the chart below as aguide fordetermining defrosting time.
When calculating defrosting time, al!ow4 to 5 minutes per pound.
Ovenwill pauseautomatically for rotating or turning food.
Add more time in one minute increments untilfood is defrosted.
Allow meat tostand covered after removing from oven to complete defrosting.
Casseroles,sauced foods,vegetables and soupsshould be defrosted usingHI (100%) microwavepower level. Stironceor
twice during defrosting to redistribute heat.
Bacon Removefromwrapper. Placeondishlinedwith 5to6 minutes
1lb. papertowels. Defrostuntilslicescanbeseparatedeasily.
Beef: Removethawedportionshalfwaythrough 5to6 minutes
Ground defrosttime. Turnmeatoverandcontinue
IIb. defrosting.Allow tostand5-10minutes.
Steaks TurnsteaksoverandrearrangehalflNay 8to 11minutes
1to 4steaks throughdefrosttime.Coverthawed areaswith
aluminumfoil.AI!owto stand5oi0 minutes.
Fish: Halfwaythroughdefrosttime,turnpiecesoverand
Fillets/Steaks continuedefrosting.Ifpossible,separateandrearrange
I lb. pieces.Letstand5 to10minutestocompletedefrosting. 3to4 minutes
2 Ibs. 5to6minutes
3 Ibs. 7to8minutes
LambChops TurnoverandrearrangehalfiNaythrough 8to 11minutes
1to4 chops defrosttime.Allowtostand5ol0 rainutes.
ChickenoPieces Breakapartpiecesandturnoverhalfway 10to 13 minutes
1to 3 Ibs. throughdefrosttime.Allowtostand5°6minutes.
CornishGameHens Halfwaythroughdefrosttime, removebirds
1to4 hens, from package,rotateandturnover.Shieldend 8to 9minutes
1.5Ibs.each oflegs,wingsandanywarm areaswithfoi!.
GroundTurkey Removethawedportionshalfwaythrough 5to6 minutes
1lb. defrosttime.Turn meatover andcontinue