Performance Tests
TDS 520A, 524A, 540A, & 544A Performance Verification
Press the main-menu button Graticule; then press the side-menu
button Frame.
Confirm input channels are within limits for DC delta voltage accuracy:
the following substeps — test CH 1 first,
skipping substep a since CH 1 is
already selected from step 1.
Select an unchecked channel:
Set the generator output to 0 V.
Press WAVEFORM OFF to remove the channel just confirmed
from the display.
Press the front-panel button that corresponds to the next channel
you are to confirm.
Move the test hook up to the channel you select.
Display the test signal:
Press VERTICAL MENU. Press the main-menu button Position.
Use the keypad to set vertical position to –2.5 divisions (press
–2.5, then ENTER, on the keypad).
Measure the test signal:
Press CURSOR. Use the general purpose knob to precisely align
the active cursor to the DC baseline level on screen.
Set the generator output to 500 mV.
Press SELECT. Use the general purpose knob to precisely align
the alternate cursor to the 500 mV DC test level on screen.
Press CLEAR MENU. Read the measurement results from the
delta ( ) readout, not the absolute (@:) readout. See Figure 1-6
on page 1-28.
Check against limits:
CHECK that the : readout on screen is within
485 mV to 515 mV (see Figure 1-6).