Brief Procedures
Performance Verification Procedures
The purpose of these procedures is to confirm that this oscilloscope functions
properly. The only equipment required is one of the standard-accessory
probes and, to check the file system, a 3.5 inch. 720 K or 1.44 Mbyte floppy
These procedures verify functions; that is, they verify that oscillo-
scope features
. They do
verify that they operate within
Therefore, when the instructions in the functional tests that follow call
for you to verify that a signal appears on-screen “that is about five
divisions in amplitude” or “has a period of about six horizontal divi-
sions”, etc., do
interpret the quantities given as limits. Operation
within limits is checked in
Performance Tests
, which begin on
page 1-15.
DO NOT make changes to the front-panel settings that are not called
out in the procedures. Each verification procedure will require you to
set the oscilloscope to certain default settings before verifying func-
tions. If you make changes to these settings, other than those called
out in the procedure, you may obtain invalid results. In this case, just
redo the procedure from step 1.
When you are instructed to press a menu button, the button may
already be selected (its label will be highlighted). If this is the case, it
is not necessary to press the button.
Verify All Input Channels
Equipment Required:
One P6139A probe.
Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
Figure 1-3: Universal Test Hookup for Functional Tests
Hook up the signal source:
Install the probe on CH 1. Connect the
probe tip to PROBE COMPENSATION SIGNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground to PROBE COMPENSATION GND.
Functional Tests