Brief Procedures
Performance Verification Procedures
Throughout these procedures the following conventions apply:
Each test procedure uses the following general format:
Title of Test
Equipment Required
Each procedure consists of as many steps, substeps, and subparts as
required to do the test. Steps, substeps, and subparts are sequenced as
1. First Step
a. First Substep
First Subpart
Second Subpart
b. Second Substep
2. Second Step
In steps and substeps, the lead-in statement in italics instructs you what
to do, while the instructions that follow tell you how to do it: in the exam-
ple step below,
“Initialize the oscilloscope”
by doing “Press save/recall
SETUP. Now, press the main-menu button...”.
Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP. Now, press the
main-menu button Recall Factory Setup; then the side-menu button
OK Confirm Factory Init.
Where instructed to use a front-panel button or knob, or select from a
main or side menu, or verify a readout or status message, the name of
the button or knob appears in boldface type: “press SHIFT; then AC-
QUIRE MENU”, “press the main-menu button Coupling”, or “verify that
the status message is
The symbol at the left is accompanied by information you must read
to do the procedure properly.