
Theory of Operation
AWG710 Service Manual
To edit waveforms, the AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator provides you
with Waveform, Pattern, Sequence, Equation, and Text Editors. See Table 3–2
for a description of those editors.
Table 3-2: Editors
Editors Descriptions
Waveform Editor The Waveform Editor lets you create or edit a waveform that is displayed on
the screen. It enables you to create any waveform by an operation such as
cut and paste, partial inversion about the horizontal or vertical axis, shift, or
scaling. This operation can be based on a standard waveform, such as a
sine or rectangular wave, or the previously created waveform.
The Waveform Editor also has a unique feature that edits a waveform with
waveform calculation functions (absolute value of waveform, differentiation/
integration, convolution, correlation, addition/subtraction/multiplication
between waveforms and so on).
Pattern Editor The Pattern Editor displays a digital signal pattern with a pattern data placed
in 8Ćbit creation waveform memory; it creates a digital signal pattern
according to the High/Low settings you made for the individual bits.
In addition to the functions supported by the Waveform Editor, the Pattern
Editor is capable of generating frequently used digital signals unique to
digital signals and pseudo random patterns.
Sequence Editor The Sequence Editor lets you create a more complex waveform by
combining different types of waveform data that you created using the
Waveform and/or Pattern Editors. This editor also enables a Waveform
listing jump and output stop to take place. They follow the external event
information from the EVENT IN connector as well as the number of
repetitions and the order for the individual pieces of waveform data.
Text Editor The Text Editor creates an equation, more exactly, a waveform by a method
of equations. When an equation is created using this editor, you must
perform a compile.
The Text Editor allows you to edit plain ASCII files. It should be used to edit
ASCII format waveform data originated from other equipment as well as this
instrument itself.
The Quick Editor lets you modify and/or output any part of a waveform you are
currently editing with the Waveform Editor. This is done in real time. The data
between cursors can be scaled or shifted vertically and/or horizontally (using
Waveform Edit
Quick Edit