
Performance Verification
AWG710 Service Manual
Figure 4-25: Waveform output when SW4 is closed
c. Open SW4 of the ground closure to degenerate the event signal.
d. Verify that the oscilloscope displays the waveform in Figure 4–21.
11. Retain the test hookup and control settings.
Use the test hookup and oscilloscope settings from the Check Event Input with
Strobe Off test.
1. Follow the substeps below to set the AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform
Generator controls and select the sequence file:
a. Push UTILITY (front-panel)!System (bottom)!Factory Reset
(side)!OK (side).
b. Load the PT_STROB.SEQ file.
Refer to Loading Files on page 4–10 for file loading procedures.
c. Push SETUP (front-panel)!Run Mode (bottom)!Enhanced (side) to
set the run mode to enhanced.
2. Push the RUN and CH1 OUT buttons.
The LEDs above the RUN button and CH1 output connector are on.
3. Check the EVENT IN connector strobe pin input:
a. Verify that the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope has the same
amplitude as shown in Figure 4–26.
Check Strobe Input