Performance Verification
AWG710 Service Manual
Pulse Response Tests (Normal Out), (except option 02)
This procedure checks the pulse response characteristics of the AWG710
Arbitrary Waveform Generator output waveforms at amplitudes of 1 V.
A 50ĂW SMAĂcoaxial cable and an oscilloscope (TDS820).
Prerequisites The AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator must meet the
prerequisites listed on page 4-8.
Do the following steps to install the test hookup and set the test equipment
1. Use the 50 W SMA coaxial cable to connect the AWG710 Arbitrary
Waveform Generator CH1 output connector to the oscilloscope CH1 input
connector (see Figure 4–14).
AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Oscilloscope (TDS820)
50 W SMAĂcoaxial cable
Figure 4-14: Pulse response initial test hookup
2. Set the oscilloscope controls as follows:
Vertical . ........................ CH1
CH1 coupling . ............... DCifapplicable
CH1 scale . ................. 200mV/div
Sweep . .................... 500ps/div
Source . .................... CH1
Slope ...................... Positive
Level ...................... 0V
Mode . ..................... Auto
3. Push UTILITY (front-panel)!System (bottom)!Factory Reset (side)
!OK (side).