Quick Start Guide
To swap adapters, follow these steps:
1. Install the driver for the 7800 Family host adapter by following the steps in Installing the Driver When
Windows NT is Already Installed.
It is not essential to remove the device driver for the host adapter you are replacing. Windows NT
dynamically detects the absence or presence of host adapter hardware, and no problems should
arise if you leave the existing device driver installed. You may remove the device driver later, after
you have successfully rebooted Windows NT. However, if you leave the driver installed, the system
alerts you with an error message of the extra device driver every time you boot. See Removing a
Host Adapter.
2. Once the new device driver is installed, shut down Windows NT and replace the existing host
adapter with the 7800 Family host adapter.
3. Restart your computer and Windows NT. It is possible that some drive letter assignments may
change from the previous configuration.