Quick Start Guide
Note: Windows NT Setup does not delete the device driver from your system disk; it
only updates Windows NT software configuration information so that the device driver is
no longer loaded during system bootup.
Removing a Host Adapter in Windows NT 4.0
1. From the Control Panel, double-click the [SCSI Adapters] icon.
2. Click the [Drivers] tab.
3. Select the driver you are planning to remove. The driver appears as one of the following:
For Ultra SCSI:
Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394x/AHA-4944 or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller (NT 4.0)
Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394x or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller (NT 4.0)
Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394x or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller.
For Ultra2 SCSI:
Adaptec AhA-294Xu2/AIC-7890\91 PCI Ultra2 SCSI Controller (NT 4.0)
4. Click the [Remove] button.
5. If you are sure you are removing the correct host adapter type, click [Yes].
6. Click [Yes] to restart the computer and initialize changes. Click [No] to return to the SCSI Adapters
Note: Windows NT Setup does not delete the device driver from your system disk; it
only updates Windows NT software configuration information so that the device driver is
no longer loaded during system boot up.
Swapping a Host Adapter
Swapping a 7800 Family host adapter for non-7800 Family host adapter is similar to the procedure for
adding a host adapter. The important distinction is that you make all software configuration changes while
Windows NT is running and before you make the hardware changes.
Note: If you do not install the driver that comes with the new host adapter, it may result in
a Windows NT boot failure.