20 ST60 Wind & Close Hauled Wind Instrument Owner’s Handbook
You can fit your wind vane so the cable leaves the wind vane base either from the
rear (option A), or from underneath (option B).
A wind vane is typically mounted on a mast top, as follows:
1. Mark the mounting surface for drilling. The recommended method for doing
this depends on which cable option you intend to use:
• For cable option A, place the wind vane base in the intended position,
with the front end facing forwards, and mark the position of the two fixing
screw holes.
• For cable option B, use the template at the rear of this handbook, to mark
the position of the two fixing screw holes and the cable hole.
2. Drill the mounting surface for the cable option you intend to use:
• For cable option A, drill a 4 mm hole at each of the marked locations for
the fixing screw holes.
• For cable option B, drill a 4 mm hole at each of the marked locations for
the fixing screw holes and an 8 mm hole at the marked location for the
3. Referring to the
Wind vane cable options
illustration, route the cable cor-
rectly for the option you are using, then secure the wind vane base, using the
two self-tapping fixing screws.
4. Insert the wind vane arm into the wind vane base connector and tighten the
locking ring securely by hand.
View from underneath showing
arrangement of cable
Cutaway view, showing
arrangement of cable
Option A Option B
Wind vane cable options