Configuration Files
A - 87
Main Browser <main/>
This setting controls the home page used by the Microbrowser when that
function is selected.
mb.idleDisplay.refresh 0 or an integer > 5 0 The period in seconds between refreshes of the
idle display Microbrowser's content. If set to 0,
the idle display Microbrowser is not refreshed.
The minimum refresh period is 5 seconds
(values from 1 to 4 are ignored, and 5 is used).
Note: If an HTTP Refresh header is detected, it
will be respected, even if this parameter is set to
0. The refresh parameter will be respected only
in the event that a refresh fails. Once a refresh is
successful, the value in the HTTP refresh
header, if available, will be used.
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
mb.main.home Any fully formed valid
HTTP URL. Length
up to 255 characters.
Null URL used for Microbrowser home page. If blank,
the browser will notify the user that a blank
home-page was used.
For example:
mb.main.statusbar 0, 1 Null Flag to determine whether or not to turn off
display of status messages.
If set to 1, the display of the status bar is
If set to 0, or Null, the display of the status bar is
mb.main.idleTimeout 0 - 600, seconds Null Timeout for the interactive browser. If the
interactive browser remains idle for a defined
period of time, the phone should return to the
idle browser.
If set to 0, there is no timeout.
If set to Null, the value from
used. Refer to User Preferences <up/> on page
A-23. If
are Null, the timeout is 20
If set to value greater than 0 and less than 600,
the timeout is for that number of seconds.