Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
A - 82
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
Request <request/>
This attribute includes:
• Delay <delay/>
Delay <delay/>
These settings control the phone’s behavior when a request for restart or
reconfiguration is received.
Values Default Interpretation
ramdisk.enable 0, 1 1 If set to 1, RAM disk will be available. The RAM
disk is used to cache downloaded wave files, and
other resources for the user interface.
ramdisk.bytesPerBlock 0, 32, 33, ...,
0 These three parameters use internal defaults
when value is set to 0.
Note: For the SoundPoint IP 650 platform,
ramdisk.bytesPerBlock is internally replaced by 2X
the value.
ramdisk.blocksPerTrack 0, 1, 2, ...,
ramdisk.nBlocks 0, 1, 2, ...,
ramdisk.minsize 50 to 16384 50 Smallest size in Kbytes of RAM disk to create
before returning an error. RAM disk size is variable
depending on the amount of device memory.
ramdisk.minfree 512 to 16384 3072 Minimum amount of free space that must be left
after the RAM disk has been created. The RAM
disk’s size will be reduced as necessary in order to
leave this amount of free RAM.
Default Interpretation
request.delay.type Null, “audio”, or
call Defines the strategy to adopt before a request gets
executed. If set to “audio”, a request can be executed as
soon as there is no active audio on the phone,
independently of any call state. If set to “call”, a request
can be executed as soon as there are no calls in any
state on the phone.