Configuration Files
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time on the SoundPoint IP 600 is a large font, larger than the one used to
display the date, and if you overwrite this default font with a unique font, you
lose this size aspect. For example:
• to overwrite the font used for SoundPoint IP 500 soft keys for ASCII, the
name should be fontPropSoftkey_10_U0000_U00FF.fnt .
• to add support for a new font that will be used everywhere and that is not
currently supported. For example, for the Eastern/Central European
Czech language, this is Unicode range 100-17F, the name could be
fontCzechIP500_10_U0100_U01FF.fnt and
fontCzechIP600_19_U0100_U01FF.fnt .
When defining a single .fon file, there is a need for a font delimiter, currently
“Copyright Polycom Canada Ltd” is used as an embedded delimiter, but this
can be configured using font.delimiter. The font delimiter is important to
retrieve the different scrambled .fnt blocks. This font delimiter must be placed
in the “copyright” attribute of the .fnt header. .fon files are useful if you want
to include support for a large number of font ranges at once; otherwise, if
simply adding or changing a few fonts currently in use, multiple .fnt files are
recommended since they are easier to work with individually.
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
This attribute also includes:
• IP_330 font <IP_330/>
• IP_400 font <IP_400/>
• IP_500 font <IP_500/>
• IP_600 font <IP_600/>
IP_330 font <IP_330/>
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
font.delimiter string up to 256 ASCII
Null Delimiter required to retrieve different
grouped .fnt blocks.
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
font.IP_330.x.name fontName_height_Uxx00_U
yyFF.fon OR
Null Defines the font file that will be loaded from
boot server during boot up.
Note: When several font.IP_330.x.name
are defined, the index x must follow
consecutive increasing order.