(3) Carrying the units after opening packaging
1 Screen
To carry the screen unit after opening the packaging, hold them by the parts shown in the figure, and lift and
move them.
(Lifted by one or two persons)
Hold the parts indicated by
[Fig. 3-2-3]
¶ Never drag the system along the floor when moving the units.
¶ The lenticular sheet damages very easily as it is very thin. Therefore move it gently and do not apply exces-
sive shock or vibration to it.
¶ As the panels supporting the screen are very thin and deform easily, be careful that they do not hit or get
hooked onto surrounding objects when moving them.
Caution after assembly of screen frames (2 or 3 stages)
¶ The screen frame ass’y must always be carried in the vertically standing condition by more than one person.
(It is recommended that a 3-stage screen frame ass’y is carried by 3 persons.)
Never hold it horizontally, for this may cause a screen to drop out of the frame.
[Fig. 3-2-4]