
Toprevent thedisplay frombeing too brightat night,
the displayis automaticallydimmed when thecars
headlights areturned on.You canturn thedimmeron
or off.
1 PressM.C. toturn dimmer onor off.
Brightness (displaybrightness setting)
1 Push M.C. leftor rightto adjust thebrightness
0 to15 isdisplayed asthe levelis increased orde-
! When dimmeris functioning, thebrightness
level canbe adjusted0 to10.
S/W control(rear outputand subwoofer setting)
This unitsrear output(rear speaker leadsoutput and
RCA rearoutput) canbe usedfor full-rangespeaker
(Rear SP:F.Range)or subwoofer(Rear SP:S/W) con-
nection. Ifyou switchthe rear outputsetting toRear
SP:S/W, youcan connecta rearspeaker lead directly
to asubwoofer without usingan auxiliary amp.
1 PressM.C. toswitch therear output setting.
! When nosubwoofer isconnected to therear
output, selectRear SP:F.Range (full-range
! When asubwoofer isconnected to therear
output, selectRear SP:S/W(subwoofer).
! Even ifyou changethis setting, thereis nooutput
unless youturn thesubwoofer output on(refer to
Sub W.1 (subwoofer on/offsetting)on page15).
! If youchange thissetting,subwoofer outputin
the audiomenu willreturn to thefactorysettings.
! Both rearspeaker leadoutputs and RCArear out-
put areswitched simultaneously inthis setting.
Demonstration (demodisplay setting)
1 PressM.C. tpturn the demodisplay onor off.
! You canalso turnon oroff feature demoby
pressing DISPwhile thisunit is turnedoff. For
more details,refer toDemo modeon page 5.
Reverse mode(reverse modesetting)
1 PressM.C. toturn thereverse mode onor off.
! You canalso turnon oroff reverse modeby
pressing BANDwhile thisunit is turnedoff.
Formore details,refer toReverse mode on
page 5.
Ever-scroll (scrollmode setting)
When EverScroll isset toON, recorded textinforma-
tion scrollscontinuously inthe display.Set toOFF if
you preferthe informationto scroll justonce.
1 PressM.C. toturn theever scroll onor off.
BTAUDIO(Bluetooth audioactivation)
You needto activatethe BTAudiosource inorder to
use aBluetooth audioplayer.
! You canonly operatethis function whenBlue-
tooth adapter(e.g. CD-BTB200) isconnected to
this unit.
1 PressM.C. toturn theBTAudio sourceon oroff.
Pin codeinput (PINcode input)
Toconnect yourcellular phone tothis unitvia Blue-
tooth wirelesstechnology,you needto enter PINcode
on yourphone toverifythe connection.The default
code is0000, butyou canchange this inthis func-
Withsome Bluetooth audioplayers, youmay be re-
quired toenter theBluetooth audio playerPIN code
in advanceto setthis unitfor aconnection.
! You canonly operatethis function whenBlue-
tooth adapter(e.g. CD-BTB200) isconnected to
this unit.
1 Push M.C. upor downto select anumber.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto move thecursor tothe
previous ornext position.
3 After inputtingPIN code (upto 16digits), press
PIN codecan bestored inme mory.
! When youpress M.C.again onthe same dis-
play,the PINcode youentered isstored in this
! PushingM.C. rightin the confirmationdisplay
returns youto thePIN codeinput display,and
you canchange thePIN code.
BT Versioninfo. (Bluetooth versiondisplay)
You candisplay thesystem versions ofthis unitand
of Bluetoothmodule.
! You canonly operatethis function whenBlue-
tooth adapter(e.g. CD-BTB200) isconnected to
this unit.
1 Push M.C. leftor rightto display theinformation.
! Push M.C. leftto switch tothe versionof the
Bluetooth moduleof this unit.
! PushingM.C. rightto switch tothe system
version ofthis unit.
Operating this unit