Local seektuninglets youtune inonly thoseradio sta-
tions withsufficiently strongsignals for goodrecep-
1 PressM.C. toturn local on.
! Tocancel, pressM.C. again.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto select thedesired set-
FM: Level1—Level 2—Level3—Level 4
AM: Level1—Level 2
Larger settingnumber ishigher level. Thehighest
level settingallows receptionof only thestrongest
stations, whilelower settingslet you receivepro-
gressively weakerstations.
Seek mode(seek mode)
Seek tuningsetting canbe changed betweendigital
station seek(Seek HD)and analogstationseek (Seek
ALL) dependingon thereception status.
1 PressM.C. toselect your favorite setting.
Seek ALL—SeekHD
Blending (receptionmode)
If adigital broadcastreception condition getspoor,
this unitautomatically switches tothe analogbroad-
cast ofthe samefrequencylevel. Ifthis function isset
to on,the tunerswitches betweendigital broadcast
and analogbroadcast automatically.If thisfunction is
off, receptionwill beconducted within ananalog
1 PressM.C. toturn thisfunctionon oroff.
storage devices
Basic Operations
1 Bit rate/sampling frequency indicator
Shows the bit rate or sampling frequency of
the current track (file) when the compressed
audio is playing.
! When playing back VBR (variable bit
rate)-recorded WMA files, the average
bit rate value is displayed.
! When playing back VBR (variable bit
rate)-recorded MP3 files, VBR is dis-
played instead of bit rate value.
! When playing back VBR (variable bit
rate)-recorded AAC files, the average bit
rate value is displayed. However, de-
pending on the software used to decode
AAC files, VBR may be displayed.
2 Folder number indicator
Shows the folder number currently playing
when the compressed audio is playing.
3 Track number indicator
4 PLAY/PAUSE indicator
5 S.Rtrv indicator
Appears when Sound Retriever functionis on.
6 Song time (progress bar)
7 Play time indicator
Playing aCD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Insert thedisc, labelside up,into the discloading
! If adisc hasalready beeninserted,press SRC/
OFF toselect thebuilt-in CDplaye r.
Ejecting aCD/CD-R/CD-RW
1 Pressh (eject).
Playing songson aUSB storage device
1 Open theUSB connectorcover and plugin the
USB storagedevice usinga USBcable.
Stop playinga USBstorage device
! You maydisconnect theUSB storage deviceat
Selecting afolder
1 Push M.C. upor down.
Selecting atrack
1 Push M.C. leftor right.
Fast forwarding orreversing
1 Pushand holdM.C. left orright.
Returning toroot folder
1 Pressand holdBAND/ESC.
Switching betweencompressed audio andCD-DA
1 PressBAND/ESC.
Operating this unit