Fader/Balance (fader/balanceadjustment)
1 Push M.C. upor downto adjustfront/rearspeaker
F15 toR15 isdisplayed asthe front/rear speaker
balance movesfrom frontto rear.
! F/R 0is theproper settingwhen only two
speakers areused.
! When therear outputsetting isRear SP:S/W,
you cannotadjust front/rear speakerbalance.
Referto S/W control(rear outputand subwoo-
fer setting)on page17.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto adjust left/rightspeaker
L15 toR15 isdisplayed asthe left/right speaker
balance movesfrom left toright.
Powerful (equalizerrecall)
1 Push M.C. leftor rightto select anequalizer
tom2—Flat—Super bass
! When Flatis selectedno adjustments are
made tothe sound.
100 Hz(equalizer adjustment)
You canadjust thecurrently selected equalizercurve
setting asdesired. Adjustedequalizercurvesettings
are memorizedin Custom1or Custom2.
! A separateCustom1 curve canbe created for
each source.If youmake adjustments whena
curveother thanCustom2 is selected,the equali-
zer curve settingswill bememorized inCustom1.
! A Custom2curvecan be createdcommon toall
sources. Ifyou make adjustmentswhen theCus-
tom2 curve isselected, theCustom2 curve will
be updated.
1 Recallthe equalizer curve youwant toadjust.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto select theequalizer
band toadjust.
3 Push M.C. upor downto adjustthe equalizer
+6 to–6 isdisplayed asthe equalizer curve isin-
creased ordecreased.
LOUD (loudness)
Loudness compensatesfor deficiencies inthe low-
and high-frequencyranges atlow volume.
1 PressM.C. toturn loudness onor off.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto select thedesired set-
Low (low)—Mid(mid)—High (high)—OFF (off)
Sub W.1 (subwoofer on/offsetting)
This unitis equippedwith asubwooferoutput which
can beturned onor off.
1 PressM.C. toturn subwoofer outputon oroff.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto select thephase ofsub-
woofer output.
Push M.C. leftto selectreverse phase andRe-
verse appearsin thedisplay.Push M.C.right to
select normalphase andNormal appears inthe
Sub W.2 (subwoofer adjustment)
When thesubwoofer outputis on,you can adjustthe
cut-off frequencyand the outputlevel ofthe subwoo-
Only frequencieslower than thosein theselected
range areoutputted fromthe subwoofer.
1 Push M.C. leftor rightto select cut-offfrequency.
2 Push M.C. upor downto adjustthe output level
of thesubwoofer.
Each timeM.C. ispushed up ordown,subwoofer
level increasesor decreases. +6to -24is dis-
played asthe levelis increasedor decreased.
Bass (bassboost)
1 Push M.C. upor downto select adesired level.
0 to+6 isdisplayed asthe levelis increased orde-
HPF (highpass filteradjustme nt)
When youdo notwant lowsounds from thesubwoo-
fer outputfrequency rangeto play fromthe frontor
rear speakers,turn onthe HPF (highpass filter).Only
frequencies higherthan thosein the selectedrange
are outputfrom thefront orrear speakers.
1 PressM.C. toturn high passfilter onor off.
2 Push M.C. leftor rightto select cut-offfrequency.
Operating this unit