Do notleave theiPodin directsunlight for extended
amounts oftime. Extended exposureto directsun-
light canresult iniPodmalfunction due tothe result-
ing hightemperature.
Do notleave theiPodin anyplace withhigh tempera-
Toensure properoperation, connectthe dock connec-
tor cablefrom theiPoddirectly tothis unit.
Firmlysecurethe iPod whendriving. Donot letthe
iPod fallonto the floor, whereit maybecomejammed
under thebrake oraccelerator pedal.
Fordetails, referto theiPod’smanuals.
About iPodsettings
! When aniPodis connected,this unit changesthe
EQ (equalizer)setting of theiPodto offin orderto
optimize theacoustics. Whenyou disconnect the
iPod, theEQ returns tothe originalsetting.
! You cannotset Repeatto offon theiPodwhen
using thisunit. Repeatis automaticallychanged
to Allwhen connectingthe iPod tothis unit.
DualDiscs aretwo-sideddiscs thathave a recordable
CD foraudio onone sideand a recordableDVD for
video onthe other.
Since theCD sideof DualDiscs isnot physicallycom-
patible withthe generalCD standard, itmay notbe
possible toplay theCD sidewith this unit.
Frequent loading andejecting ofa DualDiscmay re-
sult inscratches onthe disc.Seriousscratches can
lead toplayback problemson this unit.In some
cases, aDualDisc maybecom e stuck inthe discload-
ing slotand willnot eject.Topreventthis, werecom-
mend yourefrain fromusing DualDisc withthis unit.
Please referto theinformation from thedisc manu-
facturer for moredetailed information aboutDual-
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
Fileextension: .wma
Bit rate:48 kbpsto 320kbps (CBR),48 kbps to384
kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48 kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional, Lossless,Voice/
DRM Stream/Streamwith video:No
Fileextension: .mp3
Bit rate:8 kbpsto 320kbps
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to48 kHz (32kHz, 44.1
kHz, 48kHz foremphasis)
Compatible ID3tag version:1.0, 1.1, 2.2,2.3, 2.4(ID3
tag Version2.x is givenpriority overVersion1.x.)
M3u playlist:No
MP3i (MP3interactive), mp3PRO: No
Fileextension: .wav
Quantization bits:8 and16 (LPCM), 4(MS ADPCM)
Sampling frequency: 16kHz to48 kHz(LPCM), 22.05
kHz and44.1 kHz(MS ADPCM)
Compatible format:AAC encodedby iTunes
Fileextension: .m4a
Sampling frequency: 11.025kHz to48 kHz
Transmissionrate: 16 kbpsto 320kbps, VBR
Apple Lossless:No
AAC filebought onthe iTunesStore (.m4pfile exten-
sion): No
Additional Information