Not compatible
Disconnect your
device andreplace
it witha compati-
ble iPod.
CHECK USB iPod operates
correctly but
does notcharge
Check ifthe con-
nection cablefor
iPod shortedout
(e.g., notcaught in
metal objects).
After checking,
turn theignition
switch OFFand
back ONor discon-
nect theiPodand
STOP Nosongs onthe
Transfersongs to
No songsin the
current list
Select alist that
contains songs.
Handling guideline
Discs and player
Use onlydiscs featuringeither of followingtwo logos.
Use 12-cmdisc. Donot use8-cm disc oran adapter
for 8-cmdisc.
Use onlyconventional, fullycircular discs. Donot use
shaped discs.
Do notinsert anythingother than aCD intothe CD
loading slot.
Do notuse cracked,chipped, warped, orotherwise
damaged discsas theymay damage theplayer.
Unfinalized CD-R/CD-RW discplayback isnot possi-
Do nottouch therecorded surface of thediscs.
Store discsin theircases when notin use.
Avoid leavingdiscs inexcessively hot environments
including underdirect sunlight.
Do notattach labels,write onor apply chemicalsto
the surface ofthe discs.
Toclean aCD, wipethe disc witha softcloth outward
from thecenter.
Condensation maytemporar ily impair theplayer’s
per formance.Leave itto adjust tothe warmertem-
perature forabout onehour. Also,wipeany damp
discs witha softcloth.
Playbackof discs maynot bepossible because of
disc characteristics,disc format, recordedapplica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storageconditions, and
so on.
Roadshocks may interruptdisc playback.
Readthe precautions fordiscs beforeusing them.
USB storage device
Address anyquestions youhave about yourUSB sto-
rage deviceto themanufacturer of thedevice.
Connections viaa USBhub are notsupported.
Do notconnect anythingother than aUSB storage
Do notleave theUSB storagedevicein anyplace with
high temperatures.
Firmlysecurethe USBstorage device whendriving.
Do notlet theUSB storagedevice fall ontothe floor,
where itmay becomejammed under thebrake orac-
celerator pedal.
Depending onthe USBstorage device, thefollowing
problems mayoccur.
! Operations mayvary.
! This unitmay notrecognize thestorage device.
! The filemay notbe playedback properly.
! The devicemay generatenoise inthe radio.
Additional Information