This unitis equippedwith asubwooferoutput which
can beturned onor off.
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe desiredsetting.
Normal (normalphase)—Reverse (reverse
phase)—OFF (subwooferoff)
3 PressM.C. toconfirm the selection.
SW setting2 (subwooferadjus tment)
When thesubwoofer outputis on,you can adjustthe
cut-off frequencyand the outputlevel ofthe subwoo-
Only frequencieslower than thosein theselected
range areoutputted fromthe subwoofer.
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 PressM.C. tocycle between cut-offfrequency and
output levelof subwoofer.
3 PressM.C. toswitch tocut-offfrequencyand then
turn M.C.to selectcut-off frequency.
4 PressM.C. toswitch tooutput level andthen turn
M.C. toadjust outputlevel.
Adjustment range:+6 to-24
HPF setting(high passfilter adjustment)
When youdo notwant lowsounds from thesubwoo-
fer outputfrequency rangeto play fromthe frontor
rear speakers,turn onthe HPF (highpass filter).Only
frequencies higherthan thosein the selectedrange
are outputfrom thefront orrear speakers.
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectcut-off frequency.
OFF (off)—50Hz—63Hz—80Hz—100Hz—125Hz
3 PressM.C. toconfirm the selection.
Bass booster(bass boost)
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 Turn M.C.to adjustthe level.
Adjustment range:0 to+6
3 PressM.C. toconfirm the selection.
SLA (sourcelevel adjustment)
SLA (Sourcelevel adjustment)lets you adjustthe vo-
lume levelof eachsource toprevent radical changes
in volumewhen switchingbetween sources.
! When selectingFM asthe source, youcannot
switch toSLA.
! Settings arebased onthe FMvolume level, which
remains unchanged.
Before adjustingsource levels,comparethe FM
volume levelwith thelevel of thesource youwish
to adjust.
! The AMvolume levelcan alsobe adjusted with
source leveladjustments.
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 Turn M.C.to adjustthe sourcevolume.
Adjustment range:+4 to–4
3 PressM.C. toconfirm the selection.
Operation is complete even if the menu is can-
celled before being confirmed.
Initial Settings
1 Press SRC/OFF and hold until the unit
turns off.
2 Press M.C. and hold until the initial set-
ting menu appears in the display.
3 Turn M.C. to select the initial setting.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the initial setting.
Clock set(setting theclock)
1 PressM.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 PressM.C. toselect thesegmentof the clockdis-
play youwish toset.
As youselect segmentsof the clockdisplay,the
selected segmentflashes.
3 Turn M.C.to adjustthe clock.
Clock (clockon/off setting)
1 PressM.C. toturn theclock display onor off.
AUX (auxiliary input)
Activate thissetting whenusing auxiliarydevice con-
nected tothis unit.
1 PressM.C. toturn AUX onor off.
Operating this unit