Error Recovery Parameters
The CD-ROM errors are:
1) Recovered CIRC (Cross Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code) Error:
An error in a block had been detected by the EDC (Error Detection Code)
but the error was recovered by read retry. Number of read retries to perform
is specified with the Read Retry Number (the third byte of the Error
Recovery Parameter page in the Mode Select command.). In this case, L-
ECC (Layered Error Correction Code) is not used.
2) Uncorrectable CIRC Error:
L-ECC was not used, error could not be corrected by the CIRC after the
specified number of read retries were attempted.
3) Recovered L-ECC Error:
Uncorrectable CIRC Error was found, but the error was corrected by the L-
ECC during read retries.
4) Uncorrectable L-ECC Error:
Error could not be corrected by the L-ECC after the specified number of read
retries were attempted.