Appendix B
CM Command Drive Action (continued)
?T Time Request Returns a four digit string representing the current time in MMSS format. In
Park mode, XXXX is returned. 0000 is returned when the current address is in
the lead-in area.
TM Time Mode Sets the addressing mode to Time mode. All subsequent addresses must be in
MMSS format.
TR Track Mode Sets the addressing mode to Track Mode. All subsequent addresses must be in
TT format, specifying a track number.
n VL Volume Sets the audio playback level, from 0 to 255.
?X CDP Model Returns the revision of the CDP ROM Example: "P150801"
?Z Disc Query Returns a three digit number representing the currently loaded disc. If there is no
disc loaded, "XXX" will be returned.
ZO Eject Magazine Ejects the magazine.
ZR Disc Return Unloads the currently loaded logical unit (tray).
n ZS Disc Select Loads disc n (1-6). After the disc is loaded, the drive goes into Park mode.
Player Command Error Messages
Return Error Explanation
R (GOOD) The command completed successfully.
E00 Communication Error Error in command, command too long
E04 Feature not Available Unusable command, wrong mode, bad track
E06 Missing Argument A required parameter was not supplied
E11 Disc not Present No disc loaded, magazine not inserted
E12 Address Error Search address not found
E13 Focus Error Focus lost (Hardware problem)
E14 Spindle Unlocked The spindle is not locking
E16 Eject Received Front panel Eject button pressed before command finished
E90 Panic - Mechanical A non-recoverable error has occurred in a mechanical operation such
as loading.
E91 Can't Eject Magazine
E92 Can't Load
E96 Can't Start Drive was unable to spin-up the disc
E99 Panic A non-recoverable operational error has occurred.