• Administrator’s E-mail Address – type in the administrator’s e-mail address
(this information is for information only).
• Initialize Flash Info – this resets the internal system setting to the factory
defaults. Some settings, such as ‘Date & Time’, ’Model’, and ‘Serial
Number’ in ‘System’ menu, ‘IP configuration’ in ‘Network’ menu, and all
items in ‘Video’ menu, are not changed.
• Rebooting: If NetCam2 has any problem, use this button to reboot without
switching off the power supply. It takes about 30 seconds.
4.2.2 User Configuration
This page defines IDs, passwords and access rights for the administrator and up
to five users.
Note: If the NetCam2 should be open to everyone, do not change the default user IDs
and passwords. Otherwise, you must change all user account names.
NetCam2 Section 4