Troubleshooting 12-3
Have the following information ready before you call:
♦ Monarch printer model
♦ support agreement, contract number, or invoice information
♦ customer number
♦ printer serial number
Data Errors
Errors 001 to 499 are data errors. A data error indicates that incorrect data
was received from the host, causing the printer to ignore the entire print job.
After checking the packet and correcting the problem, transmit the print job
The following is a list of data errors. These errors occur because data in the
format, batch, check digit, font, or graphic packet is invalid.
Format Errors (1 - 99)
Error Code Description
001 Format ID number must be 1 to 99.
Name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes or a printer-assigned
name ("").
003 Action must be A (add) or C (clear).
004 Supply length is invalid (maximum is 4").
005 Supply width is invalid (maximum is 2").
006 Storage device must be R (volatile RAM).
007 Unit of measure must be E (English).
010 Field ID number is outside the range 0 to 999.
011 Field length exceeds 2710.
012 Row field position is greater than the maximum stock dimension.
013 Column field position is greater than the maximum stock dimension.