1-2 Introduction
Terms to Know
Barrier bar
The horizontal bars above and below I2of5 bar codes used
to ensure a clean scan and avoid partial scans.
Baseline Bottom of the font.
Check digit
A number added to a bar code ensuring that the bar code
data is read accurately.
Fixed length bar
A bar code with a fixed character length: UPC-A, UPC-E,
EAN-8, and EAN-13.
Font The print style of text.
The layout of data on a label. The format determines where
and how data appears on a label.
Horizontal bar
code or text
Data that prints across the width of a label.
Human Readable
The characters that are visible such as a text field. Bar
codes embed characters.
Intercharacter gap Default spacing between characters in monospaced fonts.
Monospaced font Font with fixed character spacing such as Letter Gothic.
Number system
A number added to a bar code ensuring that the bar code
data is read accurately.
The placement of one field over another such as a line on
top of a price signifying a price reduction.
Pad Characters
Characters that are added to the left or right of a field
allowing you to fill in empty spaces when the entered data
does not fill an entire field. For example, the Operator
enters “23” and the format automatically adds zeros: 2300.
A message on the printer’s screen that tells you to
enter/scan data.