1-4 Introduction
How this Manual is Organized
Chapter 1 Introduction
Provides an overview of the printer and
terms to know.
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Provides a checklist to get you started,
keypad tips, and a sample format.
Chapter 3 Configuring the Printer
Tells you how set defaults for your printer
and select print methods.
Chapter 4 Designing a Format
Provides instructions on how to determine
the kind of data you want on a label and
where to place the data.
Chapter 5 Defining Text Fields Tells you how to design a text field.
Chapter 6
Defining Bar Code
Tells you how to design a bar code field.
Chapter 7
Defining Constant Text
Tells you how to design a constant text
Chapter 8 Defining Line Fields
Tells you how to design lines and
Chapter 9 Defining Special Fields
Tells you how to design time, date, and
price fields.
Chapter 10 Applying Data Edits
Tells you how to pad data, extract data,
and insert it into another field.
Chapter 11 Editing a Format Tells you how to change a format.
Chapter 12 Troubleshooting
Provides solutions to the most common
errors and provides a list of all error
Appendix A Sample Formats
Provides sample formats of various
Appendix B Using Fonts Provides information about fonts.