13 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]
The settings relating to alarm occurrences such as settings for the alarm action at an alarm occurrence, the
VMD area settings, and the alarm occurrence notification can be configured on this page.
The “Alarm” page has 3 tabs; the [Alarm] tab, the [VMD area] tab and the [Notification] tab.
13.1 Configure the settings relating to the alarm
action [Alarm]
Click the [Alarm] tab on the “Alarm” page. (®page 47, page 49)
The settings relating to the alarm can be configured in this section. Refer to page 138 and page 141 for further
information about the settings relating to the alarm images and the alarm output terminal.
[Terminal 1]
Determine how to use terminal 1.
• Off: Not used.
• Alarm input: Receives alarms.
– Close
: An alarm is detected when the terminal status
is changed to “On”.
– Open
: An alarm is detected when the terminal status
is changed to “Off”.
• Black & white input: Receives the black & white switchover input. (When the input is set to On, the black
& white mode is activated.)
• Default: Off
[Terminal 2]
Determine how to use terminal 2.
• Off: Not used.
• Alarm input: Receives alarms.
– Close
: An alarm is detected when the terminal status
is changed to “On”.
134 Operating Instructions
13 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]