Item Description Default
Inter digit To set the time-out value of the telephone number entries. 4 sec.
time-out If time-out occurs the system determines that all numbers
have been entered and commences to generate the call.
Ringer frequency Specifies the ringer frequency. 20 Hz
Howler tone Specifies the time for sending the howler tone. 30 sec.
send time
Ringing time Specifies the ringer sounding time intervals for incoming ON1=1000 ms
calls from the VoIP line and PSTN line respectively. OFF1=2000 ms
See the figure below for a graphic explanation. ON2=1000 ms
OFF2=2000 ms
Hookflash To set the minimum and maximum time interval for the Min.=96 ms
detection time Hookflash detection. When an on-hook state exists in the Max.=768 ms
time interval between the specified minimum (
and maximum (Max.), a hooking condition is determined.
Detailed settings can be made for telephone and facsimile units
connected to the VoIP-TA unit.
SLIC setting
The default values, set at the time of product shipping, are displayed
when the Restore default button is clicked.