
Voice settings
Item Description Default
Voice codec Used to specify the packet capability of each voice codec. G.729A 80ms
When Not used is checked off, the VoIP-TA operates G.723.1 60 ms
without using that particular voice codec. The priority G.711 5 ms
sequence of the voice codec used for calls is G.729A,
G.723.1 and G.711 (µ-law/A-law).
Receiving Used to specify the receiving volume, selectable in five Second level
volume level levels. (16dB, 12dB, 8dB, 4dB, 0dB) from the left.
(12 dB)
Buffer size Specifies the size of the receive-buffer for voice Second level
for receiving communication (please note that as the receive-buffer from the left.
packet size increases, the voice interruption decreases, but at
the same time, the voice delay increases. Increase the
buffer size if the voice interruption occurs due to
network fluctuations).
RTCP SDES Specifies the send-interval time of RTCP SDES. 5 sec.
RTP/RTCP Specifies the time-out value of receiving RTP/RTCP. 30 sec.
receive waiting
Echo Used to turn the echo cancellation ON or OFF, by ON
cancellation activating or deactivating a check mark.
Silent Used to turn the silent suppression ON or OFF, by OFF
suppression activating or deactivating a check mark.