Item Description Default
RAS Used to specify the gatekeeper’s response time-out value RRQ 5 sec.
message for the messages. This setting does not have to be changed. URQ 3 sec.
Time-out When the network response is often delayed, select a longer ARQ 3 sec.
time interval. BRQ 3 sec.
DRQ 3 sec.
GRQ 3 sec.
RAS Specifies the number of tries the gatekeeper will attempt when RRQ 2
message the time-out occurs for a message response. This setting does URQ 1
Retry times not have to be changed. When the network response is often ARQ 2
delayed, select a longer time interval. BRQ 2
Gatekeeper When an identifier is specified, only the gatekeeper with the Not
identifier specified identifier will be used, when detected. specified.
Get VoIP Activate if the telephone number of VoIP-TA is to OFF
tel. No. from be obtained from the gatekeeper. This setting does not
gatekeeper need to be changed.
IRQ Monitors a gatekeeper by monitoring the IRQ from the None
monitored gatekeeper. This setting does not need to be changed.
Time-out Used to specify the time-out value for monitoring IRQ. 1 min.
gatekeeper settings
Default values, set at the time of product shipping, are displayed when
the Restore default button is clicked.