
Enable ShutDown
Selecting this option allows a user to power down the unit from the software. The
"ShutDown" option then appears in the "Start" menu. Disabling this requires one to use
the power button to power down the unit. This is set by default.
Enable IE
Selecting this option enables "Internet Explorer" to be available for the user. This is set
by default.
Legacy (SPP) Printers
Selecting this option allows for the use of "older", "slower", Standard Parallel Ports type
printers. SPP ports can be called unidirectional, standard, compatible and other names.
These ports run at very slow speeds.
Bidirectional (ECP) Printers
Selecting this option allows for Enhanced Capabilities Port printers. ECP ports use a
DMA channel, but generally provide only a slight increase in speed. Some printer drivers
can cause communication problems. This is set by default.