
Input & Volume
Using the Input & Volume properties window to configure your terminal's keyboard, mouse and
audio volume.
Keyboard, Volume Tab
NumLock on Boot
Using the check box, you can enable NumLock while the terminal starts up.
Using the scroll list, you can select a language for the keyboard.
Volume Control
Using this slider control, you can adjust the volume of the audio and using the Mute
check box, you can disable the audio of the terminal.
Character Repeat
Using the slider control, you can adjust the repeat delay of keyboard characters. Repeat
defines how soon the same character will appear again when typed more than once.
Repeat Rate
Using this slider control, you can adjust the repeat rate of a keyboard character. Repeat
Rate defines how quickly the same character will appear again when a key is held down.
Tap here and hold down a key
Use this entry box to test the new settings.
Click on OK button to save changes and quit the dialog box. Click on the X button to
quit the dialog box without saving changes.