
Preferences Tab
Serial Number
This is the serial number of your ICA Client software. This number is only necessary
when you are using the ICA Windows CE Client with a product such as
Host/Terminal, which requires each ICA Client to have a Citrix PC Client Pack serial
number. If a serial number is required, you must enter it exactly as it appears on the
Serial Number card. The serial number is not used when connecting to MetaFrame
Default Window Colors
In the Window Colors box, select the color depth you require. When using a PPP
connection, 16 color mode may provide better performance. If the window options
specified exceed the capabilities of the client hardware, the maximum color depth
supported by the Windows CE device are used instead.
Note: The options to select Thousands or Millions of colors are not available if
your device is not capable of high color display.
Enable PNAgent
Click on the check box to enable PNAgent mode. In PNLite mode, a list of available
published applications on the network is "pushed" to the ICA client and displayed in the
Connection Manager dialog box.
Server Location Tab