
Terminal Properties
ICA Client Settings – Preferences Dialog Box
Serial Number:
This is the serial number of your ICA Client software. This field is only
necessary when you are using the ICA Windows CE Client with a product
such as WinFrame Host/Terminal, which requires each client to have a Citrix
PC Client Pack serial number in order to connect to the server. If a serial
number is required, you must enter it exactly as it appears on the serial
number card. MetaFrame servers do not use the Serial number field.
Default Window Colors:
In the Window Colors field, select 16, 256, or Thousands colors. When using
a PPP connection, 16 colors mode may provide better performance. If the
window options specified exceed the capabilities of the client hardware, the
maximum size and color depth supported by the CE operation system are
Client Name:
This text box allows you to change the client name of your device. The Citrix
server uses the client name to uniquely identify resources (such as mapped
printers) associated with a given client device. The client name should be
unique for each computer running a copy of a Citrix ICA Client. If you do not
use unique client names, device mapping and application publishing may not
operate correctly.
Note: The default OmniTerm client name is the letters WBT suffixed with the
devices hexadecimal MAC address.